Hello Readers! As you may know I am currently awaiting the arrival of my third child. YAY, I am so excited to meet this new little person! Anyhow, I am about 5 weeks away from my due date and am packing my hospital bag. Keep reading to find out what I am packing, leaving out as well as some links to the items that I purchased for my bag.
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Packing my Hospital Bag(s)…
Labor and Delivery
So there are actually three different lists. One list will be what I am bringing for labor/delivery, the other for my (hopefully short) hospital stay and the last is what I am packing for baby.
What I am packing in my hospital bag…
- Hospital Paperwork/Birth plan- If you have a birth plan be sure to pack it as well as any required paperwork for the hospital. Don’t forget your insurance cards if applicable.
- Lip balm/Chapstick- usually the hospital has some ready and waiting for you in you room, at least mine does. But if you have a favorite or don’t want to risk it not being available, pack some.
- Grippy socks- odds are that you will have to do some walking with your labor and in your room. There are some great options that are also used for yoga. Bring a few pairs.
- Hair ties/Headband- I have seen some super glamorous labor photos where soon-to-be mama has her hair down and done. Me I am always a messy bun mama and know that I will want to keep my hair back and out of my face.
- Lotion- I always have lotion on me no matter what or where I am going. I hate having dry skin. So of course it should come with me now.
- Stress ball- This has always been something I have used to help me through the contractions, plus it frees up your labor partner’s hand so they can massage your back.
- Massager/Tennis ball- I have used a tennis ball or two on my lower back during labor and it really did help. I found this awesome little peanut massager ball on Amazon and it is totally going in the bag.
- Snacks- Typically at a certain point you are not allowed to eat during the labor process, but that doesn’t mean that whomever is with you won’t need some fuel to keep supporting you. Plus, having some of your favorite snacks for yourself after labor and during your hospital stay is a good idea.
- Eye care- As a person with beyond terrible eyesight wearing contacts is a must, that is, if I want to see anything at all. So packing my contact case, saline solution, eyeglasses and eye drops is necessary. PLUS, an extra set of contacts, just in case, you never know. If you too wear corrective lenses make sure you bring your eye supplies.
- Camera- My spouse may not be able to be there when I am giving birth. I would like to try to record the birth and take a lot of photos.
- Music- I like to listen to meditational music before bed and at my son’s nap time. Having some relaxing music playing while laboring can help with relaxation. Pack your earbuds.
Other items
- Hospital gown/robe- If you aren’t into wearing the traditional hospital gown, there are a lot of options. You can now to purchase a “cuter, more luxurious” one. Just make sure that it has snaps up the back and snaps on the front as well.
- Essential Oil Diffuser- I am unsure if I will be bringing one for labor/delivery. They can be a great way to make your environment more calming and feel less like a hospital room. My hospital allows this, just no flames.
- Birthing ball- My hospital supposedly has one for each room, and I do have one for while I am at home. Since they are large I won’t be bringing mine, but if your hospital doesn’t have them and you have space to bring one.
- Swimsuit/Sports Bra- I have never labored in one of the labor baths or even in the shower but this time I want to be prepared. Maybe just the swim top or sports bra and then a swimsuit cover-up skirt. This way the medical staff can easily check my progress.
Recovery/Hospital Stay
So for me comfort is key. When your “lady parts” have just done something not only miraculous but also extremely painful you need some comfort. With my last childbirth I could barely walk after. My first (back when I was much younger) I was walking around like nothing had happened within hours of childbirth. So yeah, bring whatever will make you feel more comfortable in addition to what you packed for labor/delivery.
What I am packing for me in my hospital bag…
- Phone charger/Back-up battery- I have a handy little back-up battery that I really plan on using to charge my phone the whole stay. I don’t want cords everywhere or to be looking for a plug. This way I can keep my phone on my bed table and easily accessible. I will bring my regular wall charger as well but it will probably stay in my bag.
- Robe- Wearing a robe makes it easy to breastfeed, do skin to skin and cover-up easily. There are some very pretty robes that I would have no problem wearing with visitors in the room.
- Pajama/Yoga pants- Yeah, I don’t plan on wearing “real” clothes. I am sure I will be in bed a majority of the time and will need room for those giant pads and mesh undies they give you
- Leggings- Just in case I feel like I need a little more support in the nether region with the bulky pads.
- Slippers/Flip flops- The grippy socks are fine for walking around the hospital in as well but if you want something with a sole or even to walk to the car in make sure you have something that you can just slip your feet into.
- Pillow- I might be a pillow snob, I don’t think I am… but I do know that having my own pillow brings me comfort. Also if my spouse is with me, he may need it to get some rest as the accommodations for the guest typically aren’t great.
- Nursing bras/tanks- If breastfeeding make sure that you and baby have easy access. I order a three pack of soft nursing bras from Amazon and love them so far. They are comfortable to sleep in and affordable. Throw a robe on over the top and you are ready for whoever walks into the room or to nurse on demand.
- Sleep mask- If one person is caring for baby and another is resting, having a sleep mask is nice. The light can be on or the windows open and the person resting can enjoy some darkness.
- Snacks- I was hungry all of the time immediately after giving birth to my son. It was nice to have some snacks available on demand.
- Wallet/Money- Yeah I know this sounds silly, but having cash on you is a good idea. Some hospitals have valet service, there are vending machines while most of these now take card, you never know… its better to be prepared.
- Nipple Balm- Remember me mentioning like a bunch of times “cluster feeding”? Yeah well my nipples were killing me! I am bringing nipple balm for sure.
- Nursing Pads- If your milk come in right away, it can get messy. Having some nursing pads just in case is a must. Hospitals may have them and probably will but again… better to be prepared.
- Toiletries- Different people have different needs. I don’t feel like I require a whole lot but there is likely people that require more or less.
- Toothbrush/Toothpaste/Floss
- Shampoo/Conditioner
- Body wash/Loofa
- Razor (I hate stubble and it will keep me from resting comfortably)
- Cotton swabs
- Deodorant
- Nail file
- Tweezers
- Face wipes/wash
- Facial Moisturizer
- Hairbrush
- Flushable wipes
- Prenatal vitamins
- Cosmetics
Baby Stuff
The hospitals typically have everything you need for baby available to you while you are staying there. Sometimes they even give you a diaper bag filled with diapers, wipes, onesie, pacifier, blanket and aspirator. That is what I received from both of my previous childbirths. Every hospital is different and some may not send you home with much of anything while others may send you with some serious loot.
What I am packing for baby in my hospital bag…
- Carseat- Make sure that it is installed properly ahead of time. Hospitals will not let you leave without a properly installed carseat for baby.
- Pediatricians info- For me and the hospital I am delivering at they will not release us unless new baby has a scheduled appointment with a pediatrician. My pediatrician of course won’t schedule until baby is born. So what does that mean? That means that I have to remember to call the pediatrician asap to schedule an appointment. I recommend bringing one of their business cards and keeping it with your hospital paperwork and have it in your phone contacts.
- Baby Outfits- What I learned from my previous two childbirths is to bring newborn sized outfits and 0-3 month outfits. My first baby was small and the take-home outfit we brought was too big and it was even newborn sized. My second baby was big and barely fit in newborn size. So I recommend having at least one outfit in each size to bring baby home.
- Nursing Pillow- I nursed immediately after giving birth and my little one had no interest in stopping. He did cluster feeding non-stop in the hospital and I wished I had my nursing pillow there for easier positioning.
- Baby Blanket- Both of my kids had their special baby blanket from birth and they are still special to both of them. My almost 13 year old daughter still has hers and I have caught her snuggling with it even still. They are just that special thing and gives them a sense of security when they are away from me or home while they are little. I recommend washing ahead of time and even sleeping with it so that baby recognizes it and it smells like you.
- Baby Socks- Baby feet are so cute (and kissable) but I don’t want my little one’s feet getting chilly.
- Diapers- Whether you are opting to use cloth or disposable, packing some diapers in both NB (newborn) or size 1 may be a good idea. Most hospitals provide diapers during your stay and a few for after, but better prepared than not.
- Pacifier- This is totally a preference thing. I will be bringing one or two but don’t know if I will use them or not. Plus, hospitals typically give you the option for one as well.
- Swaddles- I am packing a few of my Aden and Anais muslin swaddles to wrap baby while in the hospital. These are super soft and easy to use.
Well that pretty much concludes what I am packing in my hospital bag. If you have any recommendations of your own or questions, please leave them in the comments section below. Below you will find printable checklists for your convenience.
Thank you so much for reading!
If there are any items or changes after I actually have my hospital stay I will update you all. I wish you all the best of luck with your labor and deliveries!