Hello readers, I hope all of you are doing well given the current state of things. Like many, we are self-isolating and trying to stay busy within the confines of our home. For us this means tackling home projects that we haven’t had time for, but now with an even lower budget. See how I transformed my master bath into a relaxing spa-like bathroom retreat for just over $200.
*Please note: This blog post contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase using one of these links, at no additional cost to you, I may receive a commission from those purchases. You can read my full disclosure here.
Stage 1: Paint
We had plain white walls and they needed some color. While searching for a relaxing color I managed to score a gallon of paint for a whopping $8.00. Yes, that’s right $8.00, this is why I recommend checking the “oops paint” while at the hardware store. You may find some great colors perfect for an accent wall or small space.

Current Total: $8.00
Stage 2: Fixtures
In my mind I always wanted to put a chandelier or some stylish light fixture in this space. After painting the walls a color named London Fog, my bright white bath was significantly darker so I needed to add some extra lighting. Did I mention that I also wanted the ability to dim this light and have some cool shadow cast while relaxing in the tub? After tons of searching I found exactly what I was looking for on Amazon and for just over $30.00, pretty sweet right!?
Current Total: $38.00
Stage 3: Shelving
This is where my husband comes in. He DIYed the floating shelves that way they could be exactly the dimensions that I want and in a finish that I like. Added bonus, doing it ourselves was a huge money saver! We actually had all of the wood needed in our scrap wood, but if purchasing it would probably cost less than $50.
Current Total: $38.00 (we already had the materials from other projects)
Stage 4: Peaceful Elements
Our master bath has become a place that we spend a lot of our time. With a three year old that still needs help using the toilet, getting ready for our day and bedtime baths, we probably spend about 1/3 of our time in here. I wanted to create a peaceful getaway within our own home, especially since we’ve been staying home to “flatten the curve.”
How did I plan to bring in peaceful elements? Houseplants, houseplants, houseplants! We have this huge tub with a large window and a shower that is all glass. I envisioned placing a live plant between the tub and the shower, an aloe plant and a few other succulents… but what I found was better IMO. My budget was blown a bit on the plants, but it was like they were begging me to take them home… I spent $30 on new pottery at the nursery and bought three plants for $35. Then when I went to Lowes I fell in love with another plant for $10 and bought a cheap terra cotta pot for $6 (which I spray painted black)… I almost forgot, I also bought a neat air plant in a hanging glass container!

YIKES! My plant total was about $100 including tax.
Candles. Do I even need to explain further? I have a bunch of glass votive holders that I can make my own, and I also have some great jars from Bath and Body Works candles that I can reuse. I don’t know about you, but lighting a candle or two can help me slow down and relax.
Current Total: $138
Stage 5: The Finishing Touches
When it came to shopping for some new towels, I had a specific pattern and style I was looking for. I checked everywhere online, and couldn’t find what I was looking for at a price I could justify. Amazon wins again! There are some absolutely beautiful Turkish bath towels. I had never used one, but I really like their look and as it turns out, I am a fan. My husband says it feels like drying off with a shirt, but I like it. They wrap around my body well and actually stay put while I get ready.
On the above items I spent around $80
Current Total: $218
Stage 6: DIY Decorating
It is amazing what can be made from garbage or cheap dollar store items and a few household items. I have made it a point to save glass jars or tins for future DIYs to help save money. Here I have an old candle container, a left over knob, from another project and some spray paint. Oh, and a gold wire basket that I had picked up awhile ago from Dollar Tree. I needed a canister/apothecary jar for my bath salts and wanted a basket to put some rolled up Turkish towels in on my floating shelves. Overall I think it came out well and creates a spa-like bathroom vibe.

Turkish towels in a basket Repurposed candle container Wire pendant lights that cast fun shadows Floating shelves made by husband
Stage 7: Enjoying Spa-Like Bathroom
All that is left to do is run a bath, light a candle or two, dim the lights and play some relaxing music. Let me tell you, I am in love with my spa-like bathroom. It gives me the escape that I sometimes need and allows me to come out refreshed and ready for more parenting challenges.
Total cost: $218
Well readers, I hope that you found some inspiration in this post and create a sort of sanctuary in your home. It’s nice to have a place to relax, meditate, reset. You don’t need a ton of space, just a few soothing design elements.
As always thank you so much for stopping by!
-April aka ZonaMom